Stock Splits

Walmart Inc. (formerly Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) was incorporated on Oct. 31, 1969. On Oct. 1, 1970, Walmart offered 300,000 shares of its common stock to the public at a price of $16.50 per share. Since that time, we have had 11 two-for-one (2:1) and 1 three-for-one (3:1) stock splits. On a purchase of 100 shares at $16.50 per share on our first offering, the number of shares has grown as follows:

Stock Splits Split Ratio Shares Cost per Share Split Date Mkt. Price Record Date Distributed
Feb. 2024 3:1 614,400 $0.002686 $175.56 2/22/24 2/23/24
March 1999 2:1 204,800 $0.008057 $89.75 3/19/99 4/19/99
Feb. 1993 2:1 102,400 $0.016113 $63.625 2/2/93 2/25/93
June 1990 2:1 51,200 $0.032227 $62.5 6/15/90 7/6/90
June 1987 2:1 25,600 $0.064453 $66.625 6/19/87 7/10/87
Sept. 1985 2:1 12,800 $0.128906 $49.75 9/3/85 10/4/85
June 1983 2:1 6,400 $0.257813 $81.625 6/20/83 7/8/83
June 1982 2:1 3,200 $0.515625 $49.875 6/21/82 7/9/82
Nov. 1980 2:1 1,600 $1.03125 $50.0 11/25/80 12/16/80
August 1975 2:1 800 $2.0625 $23.0 8/19/75 8/22/75
March 1972 2:1 400 $4.125 $47.5 3/22/72 4/5/72
May 1971 2:1 200 $8.25 $47.0 5/19/71 6/11/71
On the Offering 2:1 100 $16.50